detail of Princeton Self-portrait, 2015, charcoal on paper, 10" x 8"
Menus for Nell's Art and Art Events
on main Art page
Nell's Art Events 2009 to 2017
(continued from main Art page)
Links on this page for Nell's Art Events 2009 to 2017
Links to main Art page for Nell's Art Events 2018 to 2019
2017 Art Events
Nell's interview in Art in Print: Nell Painter: Working In The Year 2017
Video of Nell's interview with Carol Jenkins on CUNY Television's Black America series on April 26, 2017, "Black America - Through a Painter's Eye with Nell Painter": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_b6qwX9f0c&t=6s
2014 Art Events
The French group Les Amis de Beauford Delaney protect the memory of the great American painter who lived and died in France. They discovered that Nell Painter had made work inspired by Beauford Delaney.
Les Amis de Beauford Delaney: Nell Painter on Beauford
NJTV video interviews include Nell Painter and shows her work. NJTV visits Emerge 11, an exhibit of 21 artists at Aljira, A Center for Contemporary Art, in downtown Newark, New Jersey. Emerge is a group art show and also a professional development program for artists. NJTV spoke with the founding directior and five of the Emerge 11 artists, including Nell Painter. (Published on Oct 23, 2014)
Nell's interview is from 4:52 to 6:17 in the video.
Nell Painter is mentioned in a review of the Emerge 11 group show in the Star-Ledger newspaper (Art Review: Emerge 11 at Aljira, A Center for Contemporary Art, in Newark). Here is an excerpt from that review, discussing Nell's work:
"I think there's a lot of heart in this show," says Jorge Rojas, the independent curator who organized "Emerge 11," though he didn't choose the artists. The show is one of the rewards for acceptance into the program. "There's a lot of handwork. Most of the artists are younger than I am, but there's also Nell Painter. She had a distinguished career as a historian at Princeton University, concentrating in 19th century Southern American history, and then she decided to pursue a career in art, and went through the Rhode Island School of Design. And now she's showing these hypnotic abstractions based on an archival photograph of a dog fight in Brooklyn in the 1970s. You can still see the dogs, but they're like a memory buried in the picture."
The entire Star-Ledger review can be read here:
Art Review: Emerge 11 at Aljira, A Center for Contemporary Art, in Newark
Nell was on a panel discussion on poetic process, cultural translation, and aesthetic collaboration at The Center for the Humanities, CUNY, Mar 5, 2014: "Birthplace with Buried Stones."
2013 Art Events
Nell in her studio with some of her artwork on the Newark Arts website: by Colleen Gutwein, Newark Arts Photo Documentary Project, https://www.newarkartsphotodoc.com/dr-nell-painter.
2012 Art Events
In spring 2012 Nell was artist-and-scholar in residence in the Department of African American Studies at Yale University. Her new art project was Odalisque Atlas (beauty + sex + slavery): http://afamstudies.yale.edu/news/nell-irvin-painter-2012-visiting-fellow-afam-studies

2011 Art Events

with Lucille Fornasieri-Gold's photos on the wall with Nell's paintings.
2009 Art Events
Nell received a BFA degree in painting from the Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers-the State University of New Jersey in May 2009 (while she was actually serving as a visiting professor at the University of Rome Tre). As the Virtual Artist in Residence of the Creative Research Center of Montclair State University in New Jersey, her work can be seen at http://www.montclair.edu/creativeresearch/index.html.