Publications Books Authored Books Edited Articles Reviews
Books Edited by Nell Painter
The Narrative of Sojourner Truth
Editor Nell Irvin Painter; Introduction by Nell Irvin Painter; Notes by Nell Irvin Painter
Penguin Classic · Paperback
Publication Date: November 1998
ISBN 0140436782 · 288 pages

Based on the most complete text, the 1884 edition of the Narrative, this volume contains the "Book of Life"a collection of letters and biographical sketches about Truth, including the controversial transcription of her "Ar'n't I a Woman" speech and Harriet Beecher Stowe's 1863 essay "Sojourner Truth, the Libyan Sibyl"as well as "A Memorial Chapter" about her death. In her introduction, Nell Irvin Painter looks compellingly at the woman behind the myth.
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Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl; Written by Herself, by Harriet Jacobs
Edited by Nell Irvin Painter; Introduction by Nell Irvin Painter; Notes by Nell Irvin Painter
Penguin Classic · Paperback
Publication Date: 2000
ISBN 0140437959 · 277 pages

One of the most important books ever written documenting the traumas and horrors of slavery in the antebellum South.
A haunting, evocative recounting of her life as a slave in North Carolina and of her final escape and emancipation, Harriet Jacob's classic narrative, written between 1853 and 1858 and published pseudonymously in 1861, tells firsthand of the horrors inflicted on slaves. In writing this extraordinary memoir, which culminates in the seven years she spent hiding in a crawl space in her grandmother's attic, Jacobs skillfully used the literary generes of her time, presenting a thoroughly feminist narrative that portrays the evils and traumas of slavery, particularly for women and children.
Now with an introduction by renowned historian Nell Irivn Painter, this edition also includes "A True Tale of Slavery," the brief memoir of Harriet Jacob's brother, John S. Jacobs, originally published in a London periodical in 1861.
Links for Purchasing Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl; Written by Herself, by Harriet Jacobs; Edited by Nell Irvin Painter
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