Nell Irvin Painter


Sixtieth Birthday Photo Album

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Birthday Photo Album pages:
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Crystal Feimster

"Double Trouble." Nell and Crystal at Graduation 2000.  
Dona, Nell, and Crystal at Graduation 2000.  

Cheryl Hicks, Nell, Crystal Feimster at Graduation 2000.  
Jane Daily, Steve Kantrowitz and Glenda Gilmore at Nell's celebration dinner with her students when Nell received the Nancy Lyman Roelker Mentorshop award. Boston, January 2001.  

Sam Roberts and Dani Botsman at Nell's celebration dinner with her students in Boston, January 2001.  
Shalanda Dexter and Crystal Feimster at Nell's celebration dinner with her students in Boston, January 2001.  

Cheryl Hicks

Nell and Cheryl Hicks at Graduation 2000. (Photo courtesy of Crystal Feimster)  

Iris Tillman Hill

George Entenman, Nell Painter, and John Kasson in the screen porch of Nell's house at Booth Hill in the 1980s.  
Iris Hill, Colin Palmer, and Nell Painter, also in the screen porch at the same party. Nell and her friends always enjoyed the screen porch, which was part of her design when she had the house built.  

Steve Kantrowitz

Steve Kantrowitz and Glenda Gilmore at Nell's celebration dinner with her students when Nell received the Nancy Lyman Roelker Mentorshop award. Boston, January 2001. (Photo courtesy of Crystal Feimster)  

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